Dog door

All things for your dogs.


About me...

I'm have 2 dogs. They're very pretty ^_^ and this blog a has designed for them. All way how to gat dog name, dog bread, dog gallery you can find here..

Russian Dog Names, Russian Puppy Names

Use our guide, if you plan to choose a Russian name for your new dog. Your dog's breed might be of Russian origin - or there might be thousands other reasons why would like to choose a Russian name for your dog.Famous Russian dog breeds are the Siberian Husky, Hunting Laika and the Russian Borzoi. Check the list below, to find a perfect Russian names for your dog or little puppy.
53Russian dog names:

Annick - Gracious Female Nathasa Female
Arkadiy - Bold Male Nika - born on Sunday Female
Babushka - grandmother Female Oksana - glory be to God Female
Baikal - lake in Siberia Male Olga - holy Female
Bohdana - from god Male Raisa - rose Female
Bolshoi - Russian ballet Female Rasputin - Russian mystic Male
Boris - fight, battler Male Sacha - helper and defender of mankind Male
Cyzarine - royalty Male Sasha - form of Alexander Male
Elbrus -
mountain in southwestern Russia Male Sashenka -
defender and helper of mankind Female
Fayina - free one Female Sezja - protector Male
Fjodor Male Sonia - wisdom Female
Galina - light Female Stasia - resurrection Female
Gasha - good Female Svetlana - star Female
Gavrie - man of God Male Tanya - fairy princess Female
Ilya - From Elijah Male Troika - group of three Male
Irina Female Vadim Male
Ivan - God is gracious Male Vania - God's gift Female
Jelena - shining light Female Vanya - gracious gift of God Female
Karelia - republic of Russia Female Vassily - great protector Male
Kiev - capital of the Ukraine Male Vladilen Male
Kisa - kitty Female Volga - Russian river Male
Kiska - pure Female Yakov - the supplanter, held by the heel Male
Kremlin - former seat of government Male Yerik - appointed by God Male
Ladoga - Russian lake Male Yeva - live-giving Female
Larissa - name of a city, mythical woman; cheerful one Female Zasha - people's defender Female
Marina - sea maiden Female Zilya - harvester Male
dog door


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